Lee Deluxe Challenger Kit- new reloading kit in 2017

This is the perfect kit for someone starting out, but wants more than the basics.
Lee has taken the worlds most popular Breech Lock Challenger press and combined it with the best accessories at a price less than what others charge for a “basic kit.”
It highlights are the new Deluxe Perfect Powder Measure. This features a high pressure die cast diamond-machined body. The precision-machined rotor drum is cast from brass, which is naturally antistatic and spark proof. A soft elastomer wiper strikes off the metering chamber rather than cut the powder. You’ll be surprised at how smoothly the rotor operates. More importantly, you will enjoy the most uniform of charges.
The kit also contains the Auto Bench Prime with priming tool shell holder set, which is the easiest, most convenient bench mounted priming tool on the market. Symmetrical design allows effortless right or left hand operation. Comfortable lever with just the right amount of mechanical advantage effortlessly seats even the most difficult primers with just finger pressure. The perfect mechanical advantage to feel the primer seating completely home into the primer pocket.
Plus, it includes the Deluxe Quick Trim and a copy of the latest version of Modern Reloading, featuring over 36,000 loads for over 170 cartridges and the case prep tools found in our other kits.
This kit and a set of Lee dies is everything you need to start reloading, and it’s all the best products, so you’ll never outgrow the kit.
If you consider rifle reloading, you’ll have to complete this kit with case length gauge or quick trim die to trim your brass.
The price of the whole set will be around 300 Euros and will be available in the first half of 2017.