Blackpowder hunting Blackpowder shooting Hunting Magazine No Comments Submission to ECHA for the current public consultation of new round of lead ban On behalf of the Hungarian Blackpowder Shooters and Hunters Association we would submitted the following… 2022. August 24.
Blackpowder hunting Blackpowder shooting Magazine No Comments Lead bullets in the EU – new positive and negative directions The EU lead ban arrived to another milestone, and we have again a chance to… 2022. July 6.
Blackpowder hunting Blackpowder shooting No Comments Letter submitted to ECHA by the Hungarian Blackpowder Shooters and Hunters Association regarding the inclusion of lead into Annex XIV of the REACH regulation In the past year we dealt with the planned modification of Annex XVII of the… 2022. May 2.
Blackpowder hunting Blackpowder shooting Magazine No Comments How many muzzle loading shooters and hunters are in the EU and how much lead they use yearly? We made an estimation about the number of black powder shooters and their yearly lead… 2021. September 18.